Are There Any Benefits to Using a Job Search App?

Posted on 03/28 by Erin Helms

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Have you ever felt frustrated by trying to reach customer service on a website or phone call, only to have your attention shifted to a chatbot or automated system? Why would you want to use an app for your job searching needs when you can talk to a person instead? We are firmly in the digital age, but there’s something really helpful and supportive about working with an actual person Consider the pros and cons of job apps compared to the benefits of working with a staffing firm, like LaborMAX, during your job search.

Posted in Job Search Tips and Tricks

Tagged #JobSearchApps #EmploymentOffice #TemporaryJobs

Love it or Leave it. What to do When You Hate Your Job

Posted on 01/25 by Erin Helms

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We’ve all been there: You’re at your wit’s end and are ready to stand up and walk out of your job. You just can’t take it anymore! Despite the immediate satisfaction you think might come from making a scene and storming out, take a deep breath. Your bills can’t be paid with spite and self-satisfaction, unfortunately. It’s better to try and improve your situation while looking for a new opportunity instead of leaving yourself unemployed and stressed about money. Here are a few things to remember to help make a bad situation better until something new comes along (and how to help yourself find that new job faster).

Posted in Career Strategies for Success

Tagged #TempJobsHillsboro #DayLaborAgencyLouisville #SalemEmploymentOffice

How to Decline a Job Offer Properly

Posted on 09/14 by Erin Helms

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There are many reasons we decline job offers. Perhaps the salary needed to be higher, there was a disconnect between you and a possible future manager, or it needed to be a better cultural fit. It is appropriate to decline a job offer. In today’s market, professionals often get more than one offer, so someone must get turned down. What is wrong is to disappear. It would help if you declined a job offer properly. Here is how.

Posted in Job Seekers

Tagged #HowToSayNoToajobOffer #JobsInFairfield #WilmingtonEmploymentOffice

Turn Rejection Into Your Favor

Posted on 05/25 by Erin Helms

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Job rejection is upsetting, demoralizing and frustrating. It can be difficult to handle rejection and deal with regrettable news. But job rejection is not the time to quit. There are many possible reasons for rejection, so do not take it personally. You can turn rejection in your favor. Read on.

Posted in Job Search Tips and Tricks

Tagged #JobServicesNearMe #EmploymentOfficeNearby #TempOffice #TempJobs

Proofreading Tips for a Mistake-Free Resume

Posted on 04/27 by Erin Helms

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No matter your job title or industry, proofreading your resume is essential for a job seeker. The resume represents your professional life and summarizes your meaningful experiences and education, making you the ideal candidate for a job. Unfortunately, a big or a small mistake on your resume can be the difference between an interview or rejection. Here is how to proofread a resume like a pro.

Posted in Career Strategies for Success

Tagged #ProofreadingTips #ResumeAdvice #EmploymentOffice

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