The end of the year is a busy time for everyone — and it’s usually an expensive one too. There are so many parties to attend, obligations to meet and, for many of us, so many presents to buy for the people we love. It all adds up! And it can lead to a bank account that feels pretty battered and bruised. If you’re already stressed about paying for the holidays, maybe it’s time to consider a seasonal job. So many companies are looking for extra help this time of year as it’s their busiest season, from retailers to grocery stores to landscaping companies looking to prepare their clients for the changing weather ahead. They want extra hands and they’re ready to pay you for your time! Here’s why considering a seasonal job might be the best way to ease your end-of-the-year stress.
It’s an opportunity to try something new.
If you’re between jobs, temporary positions like seasonal jobs are a great way to try new things and learn some new skills. If you’re already employed but would like to make some extra money while learning something new, a seasonal job is a great way to try something new before making a change. Seasonal jobs are temporary by definition and will provide you with work for a set length of time; if you love the work you’re doing, it’s a good indication that this is where your job search should be focused in the future. If you don’t love it, you’ll know you’re earning money that will help you and your family during an expensive time of year and that it’ll be over in a few weeks.
It’s a great way to network!
Every job you take is an opportunity to meet people who might be able to help you in the future. Every manager you work for, every person you work with, is a new contact, someone who can teach you something and who can be a great reference in the future or could let you know about a great new job opportunity. Even if you only work together a short time, you might make a great impression on someone who could speak up for you in the future — or you might be a great reference for them instead!
It’s a flexible option for people who need it.
Maybe you’re a student and have some time between semesters and want to earn a little extra cash. Or maybe your responsibilities don’t allow for a full- or part-time job, usually, but you’d like to find some temporary work to help with bills. Seasonal jobs are great for you! It’s a set duration of time, usually wrapping up around the end of the year, and most seasonal jobs are flexible in the amount of hours you’re needed each week, giving you the chance to find something that works for your life without requiring the same commitment a full-time permanent job would. (It’s also a great way to fill in resume gaps if you’re concerned about such things for the future.)
There’s a variety of jobs available.
If the thought of working retail makes your anxiety go through the roof, don’t worry: There are plenty of other kinds of seasonable jobs available! The holiday season means a lot of event organizers are going to be looking for help with parties, including front-of-house help, cooking staff, wait staff, housekeeping positions, greeters, set-up and tear-down assistance and so many other positions. The same is true for landscaping companies; the change from summer to fall and into winter is a busy time as people want to close their pools, winterize their plants and protect their lawns from the harsh conditions. Warehouses and shipping companies are looking for extra hands around the clock to help fulfill end-of-the-year orders and keep their inventory stocked. Offices are looking for help to file annual reports and fill gaps opened by vacations. Whatever kind of work you might be interested in, there’s something out there for you!
Did we mention this is a great way to earn extra money?
We can all use a little extra in our bank accounts this time of year. Temporary seasonal jobs are a great way to supplement your income when you need it most. Working even just a few hours a week can help pad your pocket and give you extra money to cover bills and maybe splurge on a little extra fun at the end of the year. Plus, if you’re available for more than 40 hours a week, this can really benefit you, as the rules for seasonal workers are different from permanent employees and some companies might be able to offer you extra time without having to worry about being in violation of labor laws. The company you work for, and your coworkers, will be so grateful for your assistance while your bank account will appreciate the extra income.
Discover Seasonal Jobs Today
Seasonal jobs are going to be opening soon, and if you’re ready to jump in, now’s the time! If you’re looking for seasonal opportunities that fit your life and your schedule, contact LaborMax today to find out what’s available. Our recruiters can tell you which of our clients are looking for help filling positions for which you might be a great match! Call LaborMax today to get started.
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