Traffic flaggers play a crucial role in ensuring safety in work zones. They direct traffic and keep workers and drivers safe. LaborMAX offers ATSSA certification for flaggers in most states, though some states require DOT-specific training.
Why Traffic Flaggers Are Important
Despite jokes about summer construction season, road work is essential. Traffic flaggers are key to these crews, maintaining safety and traffic flow. They constantly communicate with their partners to keep traffic moving and protect their colleagues from distracted drivers.
What Traffic Flaggers Do
Flaggers ensure traffic flows safely for both drivers and road crews. They are highly visible, wearing high-visibility vests and hard hats. They use flags or signs to direct traffic and communicate important information to drivers. At night or in poor weather, they use red wand flashlights to maintain visibility.
Training Requirements
Training for flaggers varies by state. Generally, a high school diploma or GED and job-specific training are required. The American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) offers certification programs covering safety precautions, communication skills, and standard flagger procedures. LaborMAX can help you understand your state's requirements and access necessary training.
Key Flagger Responsibilities
Face oncoming traffic and stay alert. Do not leave your position without permission. Be aware of team members and equipment. Maintain optimal visibility for drivers and provide advanced warnings to the team. Communicate effectively with the flagger on the opposite side to ensure smooth traffic flow. Make eye contact with drivers to relay information while minimizing verbal communication. Know where to move to avoid errant vehicles and immediately alert the team to any danger.
Is Flagging The Right Job For You?
Working as a traffic flagger is a critical job. If you enjoy helping people, working outdoors, and handling responsibility, this might be a good fit. LaborMAX has several traffic flagger positions available and can help you decide if this is the right opportunity for you. Contact LaborMAX to learn more!
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