The Dangers of Flagging; What Flaggers Must Know to Stay Safe

Posted on 07/20 by Erin Helms

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Flaggers are essential for the protection of workers and motorists. However, flagging comes with significant risks, so workers must protect themselves and others in the work zone. Flaggers must understand the traffic control plan, be aware of their surroundings, communicate effectively, and follow established protocols to stay safe. Here are tips to minimize risks and keep flaggers safe from hazards.

Wear High Visibility Clothing

Flaggers are responsible for directing traffic in a construction zone while ensuring the safety of both workers and drivers. Flaggers must be highly visible to everyone in the area to be effective. As a flagger, you should wear clothing that is brightly colored and contains reflective material. This material makes it easier to spot you, even in poor visibility conditions.

Understand the Traffic Control Plan

You must understand the traffic control plan for the work zone. This understanding includes the location of the work zone, the type of work, and the specific traffic control measures in place. Understanding this information helps you direct traffic effectively while ensuring the safety of all involved.

Know the Surrounding Area

When flagging, you must be aware of your surroundings at all times. You must pay attention to the traffic, the workers, and the equipment in the area. Knowledge of the surrounding area helps you identify potential hazards and take action to mitigate them. It enables you to direct traffic safely and effectively.

Communicate With Clarity

Effective communication is crucial for safe flagging. You must communicate clearly and effectively with drivers, workers, and other flaggers to ensure everyone knows what is happening. Clear communication involves using hand signals and verbal commands which are easy to understand and follow.

Always Follow Protocols

It is essential to follow established protocols when flagging. Protocols vary according to the work zone and the type of work. These protocols will include guidelines for how to direct traffic, how to communicate with drivers and workers, and how to respond to emergencies.

Be Aware of the Weather

Weather can have a tremendous influence on the safety of a work zone. You must know the weather conditions, such as rain, snow or high winds and adjust your flagging accordingly.

Know When to Stop the Traffic

Knowing when to stop traffic is a crucial part of flagging. Traffic must stop when construction workers are on the road or when a car is disabled or stopped, posing a significant safety concern.

Be Ready for Emergencies

While flagging, you might need to respond to an emergency. Emergencies might include a vehicle accident, a medical emergency or a fire. It is vital to have a basic understanding of first aid, fire safety and emergency response procedures.

Remain Alert and Focused

Flaggers must be focused. Staying alert means avoiding distractions and paying attention to surroundings at all times. This awareness will help you identify potential hazards and take action to mitigate them. LaborMAX can help you find work as a flagger with companies nationwide!

Tagged: #FlaggingJobs #FlaggingJobSafety #WorkplaceSafetyResources #BostonFlaggingJobs

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