Create a More Inclusive Workplace

Posted on 03/07 by Erin Helms

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Most employers now realize that creating an inclusive culture that encourages individualism, respect, and appreciation is more critical than ever. But more is needed to run a business comprised of diverse employees. It would help if you promoted an inclusive work environment that makes all team members feel welcome and safe. Here are five ways to strengthen inclusivity and improve the employee experience.

Get Leadership to Buy-In

To establish inclusive workplace policies, you must have leadership on your side. Try to educate your fellow leaders about the value of inclusivity. The leadership team must have the desire to build a diverse work culture. Getting leadership buy-in also means creating a safe space for them to ask tough questions before leading inclusion programs company-wide.

Conversation Opportunities

An open communication channel between senior leaders and employees is crucial for supporting inclusion in the workplace. When opinions are heard and challenged, it creates an environment that supports, promotes, and listens. Consider encouraging conversation with employee engagement events encouraging employees to mingle and chat. It can be a formal sit-down or an everyday situation like company-wide lunches, happy hours, or volunteer events.

Recognize Performance

Employee recognition is a potent tool for inclusion. Recognition drives engagement and boosts morale. Remember that recognition is different for everyone, and you must understand that underrepresented employees might not feel the impact of your current efforts. To improve your recognition initiatives, review which groups are receiving recognition and which are not, then make adjustments. Consider those less visible contributions that help your company and culture grow and recognize them in the next month or quarter.

Safe Spaces

A genuinely inclusive company will go the extra mile to prioritize safety and comfort for all employees. To do it, create safe spaces throughout your organization to meet employees’ needs. Some companies have non-binary and genderqueer inclusion with gender-neutral restrooms. Others have quiet places, prayer spaces, and lactation rooms for new mothers. It is not limited to brick-and-mortar facilities either. You can create a digital safe space by encouraging employees to add preferred pronouns to their email signatures and usernames.

Make Inclusivity Part of Your Core Values

If your core values lack a statement on inclusive culture, it is time to update and implement it. It shows a company-wide commitment to an inclusive work environment and holds you accountable for inclusive behaviors. For buy-in, ask your employees for suggestions and feedback. Multiple perspectives help fill in any blanks you might need to consider when drafting your inclusion policies. Emphasizing inclusion as a core value Makes it easy to introduce practices encouraging a diverse culture. Building an inclusive culture from the inside and allowing employees to be who they are attracts leaders and employees who feel they belong. LaborMAX has quality employees ready to work for your company.

Tagged: #DiversityRecruiting #DiversityStaffing #CreateInclusiveWorkplace

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