How to Find Staff for Your Disaster Relief Services

Posted on 03/07 by Erin Helms

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When a natural disaster strikes, your company’s phone lines start ringing off the hook. Your community needs you, and your team is prepared, but how do you secure extra help when the enormity of the work is more than your team regularly handles?

Restoration Company Staffing Support

It’s time to call in your own reinforcements -- and LaborMax can help. Wild weather and natural occurrences are something we all live with, to varying degrees and types. Did you know natural disasters cost the U.S. economy more than $145 billion in 2021? We’re seeing more of them as well -- wildfire season is now expanding into regions of the country where it wasn’t an issue previously plus the season is stretching into other months; snow and ice storms are now hitting and debilitating cities that are not equipped for the bad winter weather and mudslides are increasing in coastal areas. There’s no time to waste in finding extra help to clean up natural disasters. Your dedicated employees are ready, willing and eager to jump into action, but it might be a fine line between asking them to work overtime and risking exhaustion and burnout.

Avoid Employee Burnout

We work with relief companies to provide temporary staffing to ease the strain on your permanent team. As a staffing agency specializing in meeting immediate needs quickly, our recruiters can first turn to the job candidates already in our database, those with skills and backgrounds in engineering, construction, warehouse management and operations, general labor and more important abilities during times of higher-than-average demand. LaborMax will work quickly to help you find the hands you need to reinforce your team.

Disaster Relief Staffing For Any Situation

Some the positions we can help you staff when you need them: Restoration clean-up crew Equipment setup assistants Drivers Flaggers for traffic control Janitors General Laborers Restoration Technicians

Dedicated On-going Disaster Relief Staffing Support

Working with a staffing company means you’ll have the peace of mind that comes from having a trusted partner that understands exactly what you need and will stop at nothing to get you the help you need quickly. We’ll handle the logistics so you can focus on getting the job done. When things get frantic and every minute counts, know that you have access to a team that will back-up and support your hard-working crew. Contact LaborMax today to learn more about how we can support you and your team.

Tagged: #DisasterReliefStaffing #RestorationCleanUpStaffing #EmergencyStaffing

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